c# full basic notes and programs
C# Object and Class:
Since C# is an object-oriented language, program is designed using objects and
classes in C#.
C# Object
In C#, Object is a real world entity, for example, chair, car, pen, mobile, laptop
In other words, object is an entity that has state and behaviour. Here, state
means data and behaviour means functionality.
Object is a runtime entity, it is created at runtime.
Object is an instance of a class. All the members of the class can be accessed
through object.
Let's see an example to create object using new keyword.
Student s1 = new Student();//creating an object of Student
In this example, Student is the type and s1 is the reference variable that refers to
the instance of Student class. The new keyword allocates memory at runtime.
C# Class
In C#, class is a group of similar objects. It is a template from which objects are
created. It can have fields, methods, constructors etc.
Let's see an example of C# class that has two fields only.
public class Student
int id;//field or data member
String name;//field or data member
C# Object and Class Example
Let's see an example of class that has two fields: id and name. It creates instance
of the class, initializes the object and prints the object value.
using System;
public class Student
int id;//data member (also instance variable)
String name;//data member(also instance variable)
public static void Main(string[] args)
Student s1 = new Student();//creating an object of Student
s1.id = 101;
s1.name = "Sonoo Jaiswal";
Sonoo Jaiswal
C# Class Example 2: Having Main() in another class
Let's see another example of class where we are having Main() method in
another class. In such case, class must be public.
using System;
public class Student
public int id;
public String name;
class TestStudent{
public static void Main(string[] args)
Student s1 = new Student();
s1.id = 101;
s1.name = "Sonoo Jaiswal";
Sonoo Jaiswal
C# Class Example 3: Initialize and Display data through method
Let's see another example of C# class where we are initializing and displaying
object through method.
using System;
public class Student
public int id;
public String name;
public void insert(int i, String n)
id = i;
name = n;
public void display()
Console.WriteLine(id + " " + name);
class TestStudent{
public static void Main(string[] args)
Student s1 = new Student();
Student s2 = new Student();
s1.insert(101, "Ajeet");
s2.insert(102, "Tom");
101 Ajeet
102 Tom
C# Class Example 4: Store and Display Employee Information
using System;
public class Employee
public int id;
public String name;
public float salary;
public void insert(int i, String n,float s)
id = i;
name = n;
salary = s;
public void display()
Console.WriteLine(id + " " + name+" "+salary);
class TestEmployee{
public static void Main(string[] args)
Employee e1 = new Employee();
Employee e2 = new Employee();
e1.insert(101, "Sonoo",890000f);
e2.insert(102, "Mahesh", 490000f);
101 Sonoo 890000
102 Mahesh 490000
C# Structs
In C#, classes and structs are blueprints that are used to create instance of a
class. Structs are used for lightweight objects such as Color, Rectangle, Point
Unlike class, structs in C# are value type than reference type. It is useful if you
have data that is not intended to be modified after creation of struct.
C# Struct Example
Let's see a simple example of struct Rectangle which has two data members
width and height.
using System;
public struct Rectangle
public int width, height;
public class TestStructs
public static void Main()
Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
r.width = 4;
r.height = 5;
Console.WriteLine("Area of Rectangle is: " + (r.width * r.height));
Area of Rectangle is: 20
C# static class
The C# static class is like the normal class but it cannot be instantiated. It can
have only static members. The advantage of static class is that it provides you
guarantee that instance of static class cannot be created.
Points to remember for C# static class
C# static class contains only static members.
C# static class cannot be instantiated.
C# static class is sealed.
C# static class cannot contain instance constructors.
C# static class example
Let's see the example of static class that contains static field and static method.
using System;
public static class MyMath
public static float PI=3.14f;
public static int cube(int n){return n*n*n;}
class TestMyMath{
public static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Value of PI is: "+MyMath.PI);
Console.WriteLine("Cube of 3 is: " + MyMath.cube(3));
Value of PI is: 3.14
Cube of 3 is: 27
C# Inheritance
In C#, inheritance is a process in which one object acquires all the properties
and behaviors of its parent object automatically. In such way, you can reuse,
extend or modify the attributes and behaviors which is defined in other class.
In C#, the class which inherits the members of another class is called derived
class and the class whose members are inherited is called base class. The
derived class is the specialized class for the base class.
Advantage of C# Inheritance
Code reusability: Now you can reuse the members of your parent
class. So, there is no need to define the member again. So less code
is required in the class.
C# Single Level Inheritance Example: Inheriting Fields
When one class inherits another class, it is known as single level
inheritance. Let's see the example of single level inheritance which
inherits the fields only.
sing System;
public class Employee
public float salary = 40000;
public class Programmer: Employee
public float bonus = 10000;
class TestInheritance{
public static void Main(string[] args)
Programmer p1 = new Programmer();
Console.WriteLine("Salary: " + p1.salary);
Console.WriteLine("Bonus: " + p1.bonus);
Salary: 40000
Bonus: 10000
In the above example, Employee is the base class and Programmer is the
derived class.
C# Single Level Inheritance Example: Inheriting Methods
Let's see another example of inheritance in C# which inherits methods
using System;
public class Animal
public void eat() { Console.WriteLine("Eating..."); }
public class Dog: Animal
public void bark() { Console.WriteLine("Barking..."); }
class TestInheritance2{
public static void Main(string[] args)
Dog d1 = new Dog();
C# Multi Level Inheritance Example:
When one class inherits another class which is further inherited by
another class, it is known as multi level inheritance in C#. Inheritance
is transitive so the last derived class acquires all the members of all its
base classes.
Let's see the example of multi level inheritance in C#.
using System;
public class Animal
public void eat() { Console.WriteLine("Eating..."); }
public class Dog: Animal
public void bark() { Console.WriteLine("Barking..."); }
public class BabyDog : Dog
public void weep() { Console.WriteLine("Weeping..."); }
class TestInheritance2{
public static void Main(string[] args)
BabyDog d1 = new BabyDog();
Note: Multiple inheritance is not supported in C# through class.
C# Interface:
Interface in C# is a blueprint of a class. It is like abstract class because all the
methods which are declared inside the interface are abstract methods. It cannot
have method body and cannot be instantiated.
It is used to achieve multiple inheritance which can't be achieved by class. It is
used to achieve fully abstraction because it cannot have method body.
Its implementation must be provided by class or struct. The class or struct which
implements the interface, must provide the implementation of all the methods
declared inside the interface.
C# interface example
Let's see the example of interface in C# which has draw() method. Its
implementation is provided by two classes: Rectangle and Circle.
using System;
public interface Drawable
void draw();
public class Rectangle : Drawable
public void draw()
Console.WriteLine("drawing rectangle...");
public class Circle : Drawable
public void draw()
Console.WriteLine("drawing circle...");
public class TestInterface
public static void Main()
Drawable d;
d = new Rectangle();
d = new Circle();
drawing ractangle...
drawing circle...