Installation of CouchDB on Ubuntu. Create and delete CouchDB database. Run CouchDB query with Mongo

Experiment No-9

Title :- Installation of CouchDB on Ubuntu. Create and delete CouchDB database. Run CouchDB query with Mongo.

Aim : To understand CouchDB.


What is CouchDB? 1. CouchDB is a NoSQL Database that uses JSON for documents. 2. CouchDB uses JavaScript for MapReduce indexes. 3. CouchDB uses HTTP for the REST API.


· Download for Windows OR macOs or Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL/CentOS. Double click the downloaded installer and follow through the steps.

· Access CouchDB Web Interface: Open Web browser and browse to


Fauxton Fauxton is a web based interface built into CouchDB. You can do actions like creating and deleting databases, CRUD operations on documents, user management, running MapReduce on indexex, replication between CouchDB instances. Fauxton available at the URL

Create Database in CouchDB To create a CouchDB Database, click on Databases tab in the left menu and then click on Create Database.


Create a Document in CouchDB Database To create a document in database, click on the Create Document button.


View documents of CouchDB Database:

1. Table 2. Metadata 3. JSON

Run CouchDB query with Mango Mongo is an easy way to find documents on predefined indexes. Mongo provides a single HTTP API endpoint that accepts JSON bodies via HTTP POST. These bodies provide a set of instructions that returns the result in the same order we specified.

Conclusion: Students are able to perform queries using CouchDB.

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